TOPSFLO Water Heating Mattress Circulation Pump Solves Easy Stuck Problem

 Recently, TOPSFLO sales manager, Susan received an annual new order of 100,000 units from a well-known Korean customer in the water heating mattress industry, and also received great affirmation and recognition from them in email. They reflected the 150,000 units of TOPSFLO Quiet brushless circulating water pumps used in the past 3 years, are far superior to other pumps they have used before. With high quality and batch consistency with zero defect rate of stuck problems, TOPSFLO quiet pump C03 solved their industry problems caused by "easily stuck" previously.
hot water mattress circulation pump

Water Heating Mattress, also known as temperature-controlled plumbing mattress, consists of two parts: a plumbing mattress and a water reservoir. In recent years, the advent of water heating mattress has allowed more people to enjoy comfortable sleep, and has gradually developed into a household necessity. The working principle is that the water is heated through the reservoir, and then pumping to the plumbing mattress for heating by the brushless mini DC circulating water pump. Because the medium is water, it does not produce any electromagnetic radiation, especially suitable for the elderly and children.

As an indispensable power source for the liquid circulation, the circulating water pump has a direct impact on the pros and cons of the plumbing mattress. At present, many plumbing mattresses on the market are prone to the problem of uneven heating after running for a period of time, or the host cannot start when the plumbing mattress is put away for a year after being used in winter, which is caused by the stuck mini water pump. It not only affects customers experience, and also has greatly reduced the brand reputation, and many plumbing mattress manufacturers and customers have been suffering from it.

Facing the long-standing industry problem, the customer's team inspected a number of micro pump manufacturers and tested a variety of miniature brushless circulation pumps, but the results were unsatisfactory. Finally, under the recommendation of its partner company, the customer learned about TOPSFLO water heating mattress pump. After understanding TOPSFLO technical development capabilities and R&D strength, the customer initially affirmed its strength, and further proposed to TOPSFLO technical team to solve the industry problem "water pump stuck".

The problem has not only plagued plumbing mattress customers for a long time, but also a common problem faced by the micro-pump industry. But TOPSFLO R&D team embrace this challenge and always hold the intention of truly solving problems and creating value for clients, continues to conduct in-depth research and try to solve the stuck problem from various aspects. After more than 1 year of long-term research and multiple rounds of verification, breakthroughs are finally made in the following three aspects to solve the industry stuck problem.
1.TOPSFLO adopts high-quality raw materials and high-precision molds imported from Japan, to ensure the high precision and high batch consistency of the rotor bearing & shaft, to prevent the dimensional deviation caused by the precision problem and cause the stuck, eventually ensuring the high precision and high quality of the products with Seiko quality and batch consistency;
2.On the condition that ultra-quietness and high batch consistency are ensured, the structure of the pump is more rationally designed to reserve a space to allow more impurities to pass through. This is due to the strength of TOPSFLO technical research in the pump industry for nearly 20 years and the accumulation of long-term customer service experience.
3.The combination of extra large torque motor and the electronic starting scheme, makes large starting torque. Even if there are tiny impurities, it will not cause stuck.
Just as TOPSFLO has been providing customers with high-quality products and solutions for 17 years, we will continue to achieve long-term and stable cooperation with customers with high-quality reputation, and obtained more opportunities for cooperation. Long-term industry precipitation and technological breakthroughs have made TOPSFLO a representative of the industry's technical breakthroughs and a powerful pump manufacturer. TOPSFLO has always believed that only professional& dedicated research can continuously achieve breakthroughs and innovations, and can bring more outstanding value beyond expectations to more industries, markets and customers.

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