Keep moving Happy forward│Topsflo Spring Fun Sports Meeting and "10,000 steps a day" kick-off were held successfully

Spring flowers, everything lovely. On the afternoon of April 11th, an interesting sports meeting was held joyous in TOPSFLO Micro Pump. The purpose of this activity is to create a positive corporate culture, enrich the cultural life of employees, improve the cohesion and centripetal force of all employees, and truly practice the purpose of "happy work, serious life".

With the Spring fun sports meeting as an opportunity, the company announced the official launch of the 2022 "10,000 steps a day" activity, to encourage employees to actively participate in sports, physical fitness, and become a better and healthier themselves.

In order to inspire all the contestants to unleash their potential and achieve good results, the company has prepared a wealth of prizes for everyone, such as sauced duck, snack gift packs, white rabbit rolls, seasonal fruits...dazzling and mouthwatering!
TOPSFLO Micro Pump activity | topsflo high 12v dc water pump manufacturer
The rope skipping competition is about speed and endurance, and the contestants sent by the four groups are the elites of the elites. The one-minute timer started, the colored ropes were seen flying over the arena and sweating like rain.

It's not just the players, but also the referees that are tested in a table tennis match. The referee must hold his breath and concentrate at all times to ensure accurate counts.

The most anticipated event is undoubtedly the "Pearl Travel Miles" team competition, a competition that emphasizes team tacit understanding and collaboration. At that moment, the arena is like a workplace. In order to achieve a common goal, everyone goes all out and shines in their respective positions, and the colleagues next to you are your most effective partners. Team twisted into a rope, made concerted efforts to overcome difficulties, and reached the finish line.

Every project, every game, is a game of physical strength and perseverance. The result of the competition is not important anymore. Forget about work pressure, put aside the anxiety of life, and enjoy the happiness brought by sports together.

The happy fun sports meeting ended successfully. All TOPSFLO people will aim to "10,000 Steps a Day", enjoy the fun of work and life with a healthy body and abundant energy, contribute wisdom and strength to the realization of TOPSFLO's vision of "be a centernnial micro dc pump brand in the world" with a more positive attitude.

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