Topsflo Battery Cooling Water Pump Effectively Solves the Safety Problem of Energy Storage System

New energy storage, as an important measure to improve the regulation ability, comprehensive efficiency and security capability of the energy power system and support the construction of the new power system, which is one of the key supports for carbon neutrality in the energy field. However, the frequent safety accidents of energy storage power stations in recent years are anxious, and the thermal management of energy storage is very important.

The energy storage industry will enter the fast lane of development

In recent years, PV and wind power and other new energy power generation has developed significantly, but the development of the energy storage industry has not kept up. The ratio of storage to new energy has gradually declined in recent years. In 2020, China's new energy storage ratio will be about 6.7%, which is significantly lower than that of other countries and regions outside China. 15.8% reserve ratio.

Since 2020, various provinces in China have introduced relevant policies to encourage or mandate new energy supporting energy storage, stipulating that the proportion of new energy power side allocation and storage is 5%-20%. On August 2022, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Energy Bureau clarified that 15% of the power of peak-shaving resources (20% is preferred), and more than 4 are required to be equipped with peak-shaving capabilities.

On July, the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration issued the "Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Development of New Energy Storage", with the goal of achieving carbon peak and carbon neutrality. By 2025, new energy storage will be realized from the initial stage of commercialization to large-scale The development will turn, and the installed capacity will reach more than 30GW; by 2030, the comprehensive market-oriented development of new energy storage will be realized, the technological innovation industry will rank among the top in the world, and the installed capacity will basically meet the corresponding needs of the new power system.

Recently, China Southern Power Grid issued the "14th Five-Year Plan for Power Grid Development" and proposed that during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the construction plan of China Southern Power Grid will invest about 670 billion RMB in order to speed up the construction of digital power grids and the process of modernizing power grids, and promote new types of power with new energy as the main body. In terms of system construction, in the field of energy storage systems, 20GW of new energy is proposed, and the ratio of new energy storage in China Southern Power Grid is nearly 20%.

Safety issues are the core issues of energy storage power stations

In recent years, safety accidents of energy storage power stations have occurred from time to time, which has aroused strong social concern. On April 2021, an explosion occurred at the Beijing Guoxuan Fuweisi Solar Energy Storage Power Station, resulting in the death of two firefighters. On July, an energy storage system in Victoria, Australia, detonated. Four days after the fire, the local government was still trying to contain the fire.
From 2011 to April 2021, there have been 32 fire and explosion accidents in energy storage power stations around the world. Especially in South Korea, under the incentives of policies, the construction of energy storage projects has exploded. There have been major safety hazards on the one hand, and 24 safety accidents have occurred since 2017.

Thermal management is an important guarantee for energy storage safety

Among the above 32 fire and explosion accidents of energy storage power stations, 66% (21 cases) of fire and explosion of energy storage power stations mostly occurred during charging or resting after charging. The battery is in an overcharged state, and the voltage rises to form an internal short circuit, resulting in local thermal runaway, which leads to spontaneous combustion and fire.
This shows the importance of thermal management for the safety of energy storage power plants. The energy storage system must be equipped with a temperature control system with sufficient strength and flexibility to ensure the safe and stable operation of the power plant.

TOPSFLO battery cooling water pump protects the safety of energy storage

A good temperature control system needs a high-quality cooling water pump to support it. TOPSFLO is the supplier of the battery energy storage system (energy wall) of “T” Company in the United States, and has related battery cooling system water pump solutions. Every family has water pumps, but there is still a lack of water pumps with a 0 PPM defective rate without problems in China.
The main advantages of the TOPSFLO battery cooling water pump are: high efficiency, good cooling effect, and a life span of 30,000 hours. Functions such as intelligent speed regulation and signal feedback can be customized, so that the system has no worries.

At present, domestic household energy storage lithium battery cooling system manufacturers will choose TOPSFLO TL-B10 cooling pump for system support, and industrial and commercial energy storage with 225 kWh or more battery cooling can use TOPSFLO TL-C01 pump or TL-C02 pump for system support. If you have further needs, please contact TOPSFLO's pre-sales engineers further.

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